Mental Health: Control the Controllables – Social Media
When you struggle with mental health, you often feel out of control. You need to look at the things that are in your control. We often say Control the Controllables.
Can you decrease your smartphone use by 1 hour a day?
A study which is linked below shows that after 4 months of decreasing smartphone use by 1 hour: – less depression and anxiety symptoms – life satisfaction (happier) – healthier lifestyle (physical activity)
Here is a link to the study: Brailovskaia, J., Delveaux, J., John, J., Wicker, V., Noveski, A., Kim, S., Schillack, H., & Margraf, J. (2022). Finding the “sweet spot” of smartphone use: Reduction or abstinence to increase well-being and healthy lifestyle?! An experimental intervention study. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. https://doi.org/10.1037/xap0000430