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Brett’s Picks: Books on Loneliness

Brett’s Picks: Books on Loneliness

Here is a book list of my favourite books on the topic of loneliness. If you have read any great books on this topic, please add them to the comments or DM me. Click here for the Amazon link #loneliness #lonely #sadness #mentalhealth #lonelyquotes #isolation...

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Men and the epidemic of Loneliness – 3 things to combat it

Men and the epidemic of Loneliness – 3 things to combat it

One area we must begin to talk about is men and the epidemic of loneliness. It is sad how many men approach me and talk about how lonely they feel in their lives. This is a topic we must begin to address both in the church and in the mainstream culture. This video...

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Free Loneliness Survey

Free Loneliness Survey

Free Loneliness survey! In my new book Parenting: Navigating Everything (click here for purchase options) Chapter 16 is on a topic that I think is a growing issue for many people. I have posted a YouTube video on my top books on this topic previously (YouTube link). I...

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Students are lonelier than ever

Students are lonelier than ever

Her weekdays parallel those of others her age—classes at Ryerson University and shifts at work. But Khan is also lonely: she sits alone in lecture, eats lunch alone, walks to and from classes alone. Her university experience is marked by few friends and a lot of free...

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Why You Never See Your Friends Anymore

Why You Never See Your Friends Anymore

Really great article on work and how "our unpredictable and overburdened schedules" are affecting us. I know this dates me, but I’m nostalgic for that atmosphere of repose—the extended family dinners, the spontaneous outings, the neighborly visits. We haven’t...

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The Cure for Loneliness

The Cure for Loneliness

Really great article here with solutions to the problem of Loneliness. Improving social skills. Some researchers argue that loneliness is primarily the result of lacking of the interpersonal skills required to create and maintain relationships. Typically, these...

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The Loneliness Epidemic

The Loneliness Epidemic

Another great article to add more conversation on loneliness. This article on on Today's Christian Woman's website. You mighty need to get an account to read it for free. Although loneliness is something the vast majority of people wrestle with, hardly anyone wants to...

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