Update: Case for the Porn Project Filming

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. As we head towards New Years there are a few more days to give donations to get a tax receipt for 2016. Here is an update on our on fundraising to film the porn project
I would like to film the.Porn.Project which will cost ~$9,000
$4,500 for filming and editing of the talk. It is the editing of the talk that is so time consuming as we need to incorporate a professionally designed Keynote presentation throughout the filmed talk. It gives people the same experience as if I was speaking live at their church or school.
$1,500 — Trailer for promotion
$1,500 — Creating Master copy of DVD, Creation of Graphics for DVD jacket and cover.
$1,500 — printing of 1000 DVD’s. The Talk is also put online on VimeoOnDemand.com and on Rightnowmedia.org
Total funds – $9,000 (Presently Raised $7800)
Needed $1200
It was 1996 I did my first talk at a church in Pickering to a room full of high school students. talking about music & media and how our faith plays a role in this. 10 years later I found my self speaking 45 times per year while still teaching full time with the Toronto District School Board. I left teaching that year and have been speaking full time with Worlds Apart since then.
In his book Holy Discontent Bill Hybels talks about finding out what your Holy Discontent (those things that continuously bother you) are and to walk into that space. That has been the theme for all of my talks for 19 years. Every few years I would add a talk (Self Harm, dating, men, sex, mental health) most recently pornography.
Last year we had the chance to film The Sex Talk which helps to empower and equip parents to help their kids get a Biblical worldview of healthy sexuality.
This year we are looking at filming a new talk I have created called the.Porn.Project
The Why: Present day statistics say that 50-60% of Christian Men and 20% of Christian Women are addicted to Porn. I have received emails from students as young as grade 5 and adults in their 90’s talking about struggles with pornography. We cannot continue to be silent in these issues of sexuality and in this case we need to deal directly with the issue of pornography.
The How: the.Porn.Project helps lay the foundation and equips & empowers people in this discussion. It goes through all of the areas we need to talk about to begin this conversation in our homes, churches and youth groups. It looks at theology, accountability, addiction, environmental changes, dating, our witness and others. We must break the cycle of failure by addressing head on this conversations.
The Goal: The goal of this project is that through this talk it will help create a culture where Christian parents and their teenagers are equipped and empowered to deal with the sexualized culture we live in and not get sucked into the cycles of addiction so many Christians seem to find themselves in. The goal is to have a Biblical yet practical response to this issue.
“I think the biggest reason why this talk is important, is because it’s not happening elsewhere. Save for a couple groups like xxxchurch and pure eyes, the biggest mention that it gets from the pulpit is “it’s a dirty secret that the church doesn’t talk about”… And that’s all they say, no one talks about it, and it’s a MASSIVE problem, not just for teens, for many men leading our churches today.”
Chris Burke, Center Point Church, PEI
“How do I teach my congregation about pornography when I have been addicted since I was in my 20’s?”
Pastor in Ontario
— “Help me… please. I am drowning in my porn addiction.”
Teenager in Alberta
As a speaker I am able to speak about 150 times a year. I am unable to speak at every church and school in the country. My talk The Wounding Embrace (mental health) is being used in churches from California to England, from Vancouver to St. Johns. I receive emails from people using the DVD or Digital download to help equip people in their churches to help people with mental health struggles. This is the same I want to do with the.Porn.Project.
We find as a small non for profit it is hard to raise funds. We are cut out of applying for most grants from foundations as we don’t reach their $250k minimum income. As a charity that has been around for almost 19 years we are not looking at raising funds for day to day operations but raising the funds specifically for this project. I presently speak over 100-150 talks a year that pay for all of the overhead costs of running Worlds Apart (office, equipment, salary etc.)
If you would like to chat more, please contact me at the email below. If you would like to make a donation please follow this link – https://www.canadahelps.org/dn/15850
Thanks for your consideration.
Brett Ullman Executive Director: Worlds Apart (worldsapart.org, brettullman.com)