“In all things love”
“In the things we agree on Unity, in the things we disagree on Liberty, but in all things Love”
Can I just encourage people (speaking mostly to the Christian community) who are having discussions on the new Sex Education Curriculum to do so with respect, thoughtfulness and in all that we do …love.
If someone has a differing opinion than you on this topics it does not automatically mean that
- they are not a Christian
- they are (all pulled from blog comments on a number of sites today) stupid, ignorant, crazy, bull headed (my favourite), bad parents, crazy liberals, …
It is really discouraging to see all of the vile comments all over social media as people are discussing something.
I wonder how many people will never set foot inside a church due to the comments they read.
I think the one really good thing in all of this discussion is it is forcing all of us parents to think through how we are talking about these topics with our kids in our own homes.
It is challenging the churches and youth workers to evaluate how we can come alongside parents and support then in these tough conversations.
Please remember in all things Love …