A Christian Parent’s Guide to Ontario’s New Sex Ed Curriculum.
A great article written on the new sex ed. curriculum. And to anyone who noticed this blog and the one I wrote (https://www.brettullman.com/christians-sex-education/) both have the same graphic but they are 2 different blogs.
So much great stuff here as he breaks down grade by grade these conversations.
The world is full of people who don’t share our worldview, but we do share this province with them. Let’s be winsome and thoughtful in our interactions with our neighbours, and let’s be proactive and educated in the education of our children. Once again, I hope and pray that this has been helpful in killing some myths and sparking healthy conversation.
Click here for the article
I thought the the article was well done and gave importance to the age we are living in. Your kids are exposed to these things through their peers, the internet, media, etc. Just because it’s not spoken about in a classroom or at home or a faith based institution does not mean kids aren’t hearing about it. The best defense is awareness, knowledge and conversation. The curriculum is not necessarily saying the topics are right or wrong, but instead there is individuality. That people require respect and dignity. I do not believe that any of the topics should be taught with a personal bias. Instead just fact based. This leaves the parent with more responsibility on speaking into their own child the values and foundations that are important and integral to their won family. And why. Just because it’s being talked about doesn’t mean it’s right or that your kid will be motivated to do certain things like sexting or masturbation or want to switch genders. Don’t let fear be the driving force. Explain why you may disagree with certain aspects of the curriculum and ask your kids what they think. Also, developing the relationship with the your kid’s teacher is so important, not just for the sex ed component but in general. It’s a parent/teacher partnership in support of your child’s educational success.
Ultimately, one of my top concerns with the curriculum as it relates to the sex-ed had to do with the complete disregard of the family and parents. The curriculum completely ignores family as a resource for students. It never encourages students to seek out their parents advice, but rather points them to peers and school groups such as gay-straight alliance, when dealing with sexual questions and “gender identity.” There is a covert operation to remove family and parents, (no, I dare say it is not covert, it’s blatant!) from as much influence as possible on their children’s lives.
The other concern was the lack of moral guidlines/guidance. The reasons for choosing to engage in sexual activity had more to do with both people consenting and feeling comfortable with it than anything else. So essentially, if 11 year olds are consenting and comfortable with trying it out there is no problem with it. The curriculum reminds me very much of how a pedophile grooms parents and children before they actually do anything. The curriculum grooms students from a young age to be sexually active, and introduces gender identity and confusion.
It also talks frequently about “safe sex” and that if you are going to have sex you have to use condoms. Ironically, the curriculum makes quite a stand about not having sex without a condom. Why can’t it emphasise drawing a line at abstaining? It also implies that using condoms protects from STIs. Condoms do not protect from STIs that are transmitted skin-to-skin: such as HPV (which is the MOST COMMON STI),genital herpes, syphillis, chancroid. HPV can cause genital warts and cancer. There are over 100 strains of HPV and 40 of them can infect the anal/genital tracts. Of these, 13 are considered highrisk and could lead to cervical cancer. The vaccine Gardasil only covers 4 of these strains; Gardasil 9 covers 9 strains. To make matters even worse, the highrisk strains generally don’t cause any symptoms so a person does not know that they even have it! The more partners you have, the more likely to contract HPV.)