You should teach children how to talk to adults before they turn 18 | Important Parenting Tip

Parenting Tip – teach your kids how to talk to adults before they graduate high school. I am hearing more and more students today are arriving at College & University ill-prepared for very basic skills in life. This is not all of our kids but it does seem to be a growing number of them. We as parents need to take leadership in helping prepare our kids for life and their future.

This video talks about how we need to teach our kids to talk to adults. Love to hear how you are teaching this in your home.

parenting tips
teach your kids how to talk to adults

There is a large amount of this content in my book Parenting: Navigating Everything. Click here.

Another great video in this series talks about kids getting their licences. Click here.

About The Author

Brett Ullman

Brett Ullman travels North America speaking to teens, young adults, leaders, and parents on topics including parenting, mental health, sexuality, pornography, men, dating and media. Brett's seminars engage and challenge attendees to try and connect our ancient faith with our modern culture we live in. Participants are inspired to reflect on what we know, what we believe and how our faith ought to serve as the lens through which we view and engage tough conversations in our society today.

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