Can I help you in equipping your parents and/or students?

Can I help you in equipping your parents and/or students?

As we start looking towards the fall and into 2023 I wanted to post and let people know the talks I offer than can help you equip and empower your parents and/or students on a range of topics. This is my 25th year as a speaker, and I would love the chance to come to your church, school, camp, conference, or other venues. Below are my speaking topics.


Parenting: Navigating Everything: This is my main talk for parents covering parenting styles, communication, time, discipline and other foundational topics.
This talk is also filmed as a 6-part video series for groups. It can be found on both RightNow Media and on my course page.
This talk is based on content from my book with the same name (
My wife and I recently created a study guide for the book as well – Click here!

Media: Navigating Everything (*new talk*):

This talk will begin to practically equip and empower parents and/or students around the conversation on media. This is a complex conversation with many areas to cover. I believe not all media is bad, not all media is good, but media is powerful, so we need to look at all aspects of media in our lives. We will address social media, video games, music and TV/streaming, looking at how we can get the best from our screens without the negative impacts. We also need to address the intersection between media and mental health, loneliness, cyberbullying and other challenging but essential topics.

Men: Navigating Everything:

This is an excellent talk for a men’s breakfast or another event. I will walk you through 8 areas, teaching you how to score yourself in each, with a unique flywheel tool focusing on physical health, mental health, spiritual health, marriage, parenting, sexuality, finances, and loneliness. We will then use the results of this assessment to break down clear and applicable ways to make progress in those areas.
This talk is also filmed as a 10-part video series for groups. It can be found on both RightNow Media and on my course page.

Hope for the Walking Wounded:

This is my talk on mental health. It is great for a Sunday morning service or another day with any group. Very practical conversation on this topic to help people move forward in their mental health journey.

Other Talks:

dating for life – my talk on dating for students

the porn project – my talk looking at what we can do to address this tough conversation

the sex talk – my talk for parents on beginning to address this topic in our families.

If you would like any more information please just send me a message.

About The Author

Brett Ullman

Brett Ullman travels North America speaking to teens, young adults, leaders, and parents on topics including parenting, mental health, sexuality, pornography, men, dating and media. Brett's seminars engage and challenge attendees to try and connect our ancient faith with our modern culture we live in. Participants are inspired to reflect on what we know, what we believe and how our faith ought to serve as the lens through which we view and engage tough conversations in our society today.

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