“Boy’s Will be Boys” Is Killing our Men

Some really good thoughts here. Please take the 2 minutes to read the article.
When it comes to sex, there is this expectation of males, and it’s a really low one.
The ‘boys will be boys’ culture is not wrong because it’s not inclusive of women. The ‘boys will be boys’ culture is wrong because it destroys women and men. In a ‘boys will be boys’ culture, rape is funny, because women don’t matter. It is a culture that puts the hormonal impulse of the male above all else. It is an attitude that celebrates a lack of self-control and a reckless headfirst dive into hedonism. It is a culture that breathes objectification of women. It is a culture that excuses, even celebrates, the depravity of humanity.
But when it comes to sex, decency, and respect for the life, health, and well-being of another, “boys will be boys” does not fit.
It does not fit when a teenage boy gets drunk. It does not fit when a young adult drives 100 in a 55. It does not fit when a husband cheats on his wife. It does not fit when a drunk college student is raped in a back alley.
Excuses breed acceptance; acceptance breeds expectation; expectation breeds performance.
Pretty soon, a man’s ‘manliness’ is defined by how reckless he can be instead of how responsible.
It leaves us with a culture of reckless, irresponsible, ego-centric, porn-saturated males, who are fairly convinced the world revolves around them and women are simply baby-making, sandwich-making, orgasm-giving bodies. After all, boys will be boys.
Click here for the entire article.