Gospel e-Books
I am asked at least once a week where do I find all of the free books on Kindle I post each week on social media. It is simple. I signed up for the daily email blast from Gospel eBooks. Some people ask if I download all of the free books. The answer I do take almost all of them. My Kindle library is well over 1000 with 95% of them being for free. Different books are needed at different seasons in your life. I build up my library both digitally and regular print books and I then have books for my myself, my wife and my 2 kids whenever we might need them in the years to come.
Not only do they have free books but books that are heavily discounted. (.99, 1.99 etc)
I would encourage you to sign up for their daily email. Quickly scan each day and see if there is anything for you.
Click here or the screenshot below for their website.
[browser-shot url=”http://gospelebooks.net/” width=”600″ height=”450″ target=”_blank”]