Groundhog Grandparents

When I first started researching parenting I came across 42 different parenting styles. You can find these in this youtube video – Click here!
Currently, I have over 125 and it seems to grow every month. I recently came across a new type of parenting style but it is actually the first grandparenting style I have found – Groundhog Grandparents.
Are you a Groundhog Grandparent? We all know the movie Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray and Andie McDowell, in which Murray’s character finds himself living the same day over and over again, seemingly unable to break his routine and habits to make a difference in the end result. That’s also the paraphrased definition of insanity, according to Einstein.
What things are you doing as a grandparent that you can’t seem to stop doing? And, every time you do them, you get an earful from the parents (your kids) of those grandkids?
Click here for the article from Katy Buckworth. It contains 6 things you should stop doing and 5 things you should start doing. Really great stuff here.
My book Parenting: Navigating Everything contains a large list of parenting styles and descriptions as well. – Amazon Link.
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