COVID-19 & Mental Health: Video #2 – Sleep better
Simple Challenge: sleep better! This is video #2 in a series I am doing on how to have good mental health during this COVID-19 season we find ourselves in. This video will be asking you to think about ways to have better sleep. The goal is to provide you with daily, simple, reproducible ways you can help your own mental health.
Add in the comments ways you are trying to have a better and more restful sleep in this season.
Added July 23, 2021 – Sleep Better this month than last month.
Sleep is an issue that many people hard precovid, that was exasperated through the covid season. I have heard from many people about their struggles sleeping through this stressful time. If you are familiar with my journey over the past 8 years sleep is one of my biggest struggles waking up 5-7 times a night.
As we look at moving out of covid I think sleep will still be an issue. I encourage you to look at how could you sleep better (5% better) over the upcoming months.
I have a video on some sleep hygiene tips that might help. Click Here.
I talk about better sleep in the mental health chapter of my book Parenting: Navigating Everything. Click here.
Do you have any sleep tips that have worked for you or your family?