Brett Ullman: Presentations -The Walking Wounded

As I enter my 20th year speaking I thought I would take some time over the next week to go over each of the talks that I have. My talks are heavily researched and I am updating my talks all the time.
Talk title: The Walking Wounded
Why would you bring me into your church, school or conference to speak this talk? – Of all the talks that I do this seems to be talk that people ask for the most. I find in our church world we do not have a good theology of suffering or even a decent practical application for how Christians should deal with mental health struggles. In this talk I answer a simple question. What do you do if someone walks up to you and says “I am struggling with anxiety or depression?” We must be prepared to have a Biblical yet practical response to this. In this talk, I will walk through what to do if you are struggling or if people you love are struggling.
Talk Description:
Life is good … until it’s not.
Dark clouds come in all shapes and sizes and leave us asking where do we turn? Some of us struggle with mental health: anxiety, depression etc. Some of our struggles come from coping with tough situations in life by Self Injuring: eating disorders, suicide, self-harm and drug and alcohol use.
When we are surrounded by these heightened emotions and feelings life becomes one that is isolated from others and we begin to be full of questions instead of answers and we do not know what will work, or where to turn.
How do we begin our journey towards hope, healing, redemption, rescue, and a restoration to wholeness?
Where and when does our journey back to life begin again?
As a Follower of the Way (A Christian) What about our faith? How does our faith fit into our healing journey?
This talk has no cliches, no Christianese and does not put forward promises of false hope.
Brett Ullman in The Walking Wounded begins to address how to walk back towards healing and away from our emotions, feelings and thoughts and that are keeping us paralyzed in life.
No shame, fear, or hiding is required as we are safe to journey towards healing together.
There is Hope for the Walking Wounded.
Promotional Trailer:
One of my favourite times to do this talk is a Sunday Morning church service. I call it “Care Sunday” I do my talk for the morning service and after the service one of the pastors talks about all the ways that your church “cares” Some churches put out booths in the foyer with counsellors, prayer teams, speciality groups like grief care, Celebration recovery and any other ways your church supports people who struggle with mental health.
You can make your church a relevant, accepting place for those who struggle with mental health, or who have a loved one who is mentally ill, by talking about it.” Leadership Journal
If you would like more information or would like to book me for a talk please email me at brett@brettullman.com.
I watched The Walking Wounded about 5 times in January, 2016 on Right Now Media. Brett was like my best friend talking with me, undestanding where I was and how I felt in my darkness.
I am a restored soul now. Brett, have you been able to get a whole night’s sleep yet?
Praying for you and your ministry.
Thanks so much for the message. Great to hear you are doing well. Wish I could say I am sleeping through the night but I am not there yet. Hopefully one day. Thanks for peayers