Worlds Apart: a Year in Review (Annual Report)

2015 is slowly coming to a close. To all those people who have supported the work of Worlds Apart in any way I wanted to send out a quick recap of all that we have been able to accomplish this past year. Thank you to all the people who have supported and prayed for the work we do.
Things to Celebrate (Brett Ullman):
Presentations (Brett Ullman): ~115 presentation in one of the 6 topics that I speak on
Speaking to: ~50,00 students, parents & leaders
Venues: Schools, Churches, Student Camps, Family Camp, Conferences, Festivals
Locations: throughout Ontario with special speaking dates in Regina, Edmonton, British Columbia, Kingdom Bound Festival (NY) and others.
- This year we filmed the Walking Wounded talk on Mental Health. It was amazing to get this project out. It has been used by over 300 churches throughout North America and in the UK.
- This year we were able to put up a site to poll Canadian Christians on current topics. The first topic is pornography and we have presently had over 400 people take the poll. You can see the poll here.
- This was our first full year having our blog on www.brettullman.com running. We had over 50,000 people visit our blog this year from over 50 countries.
- For my presentations:
- I released a major update to my media.faith.culture talk called media.faith.culture: the disconnect.
- My new talk the.Sex.Talk for Parents and Leaders was released this year.
- I was also excited to release a brand new talk on Pornography called The Porn Project.
Prayer requests as we head into 2016
- My health. It has been a number of years since my breakdown in 2012. I am still struggling with daily anxiety, panic attacks and sleep issues. Would appreciate your prayers that all the people who are working on my care can help me find some relief in this journey.
- Please continue to pray for the students, parents and leaders in the talks that I do. Pray that the presentations would be a catalyst for them to move forward in different areas of growth, healing, parenting and leading.
- We would love to grow our monthly donors. If you can help with $10 a month please check out our page on CanadaHelps (Click here) where you can set this up.
- We have currently raised 75% of the funds to film my new talk the.sex.talk. If you or your company can help in this project please let us know. You can use the CanadaHelps system for donations or send a cheque if you like.
- Prayer that we would be open to the leading of where God wants Worlds Apart to move and grow in 2016 and beyond.
Things to Celebrate (Leanne Cabral):
- My prayer for 2015 was for 5 speaking opportunities—9 came into fruition including a Bringing Faith Home series.
- In April I had the opportunity to film 2 interviews for The 700 Club Canada for their Mother’s Day Special—What an incredible experience!
- February I embarked on an authoring journey as I began to put my talks and the message of Bringing Faith Home into book form. Today 90% of the content is complete and the rest should be finished by Christmas, at which point the editing process begins. Keep your eyes open for “A Parent’s Best Gift”—available this Spring!
- The process of writing has birthed 5 new talks that I would love to add to the 4 I already have. The content is created (and in the book), and I look forward to constructing key note presentations to go with them!
- I am so thankful for the generous funding, faithful support, encouragement and prayers of those, the Lord has placed across my path. I am deeply humbled and grateful—they have truly been a conduit of the Father’s love, faithfulness and provision!
Prayer Requests for 2016
- Please pray that the Lord will continue to open doors for the message of Bringing Faith Home at Churches, Christian Schools, Conferences and Family Camps
- I would love your prayers for the editing and publishing process of the book as well as the marketing and launching of it.
- Please pray about the possibilities of creating coaching programs and equipping others to teach the message of Bringing Faith Home
- Please continue to pray for the families who hear the message of BFH – May the trajectory of families be forever changed
- I would value your prayers for myself and my own family too, as the Lord brings us to mind.