Brett Ullman Update: life as a speaker during Covid

I had a few people yesterday message me and ask how I am doing this Covid season. I thought it might be good to write a quick update for everyone.
Currently, I have had 74 in-person talks canceled since March. Mid May began a very busy 4 weeks where I did 25 different digital talks as there was a great desire for many groups to address mental health & parenting. Unfortunately, camps and the Kingdom Bound music festival all had to cancel which are my primary summer speaking opportunities. This fall my speaking opportunities are down about 90% from last year. I did have my first 2 in-person talks last weekend which went well and I hope more groups feel comfortable doing them again.
Someone asked me last week what they could do to help. I am going to give you the same 3 things I said to them.
- If your church can use me for an in-person or virtual talk please talk to your pastor about this. I find people are really desperate for practical teaching on mental health and parenting these days. I can go live into a Facebook group and it is very little work (other than advertising) for the church or group. If your church is meeting in person, I am available to come to speak on a Sunday morning or you can plan an alternate day for an event. This can be arranged safely using spaced seating and mask-wearing.
- Purchasing my new book is a big help with my lower speaking season. I believe it is the best book on parenting out there from a Christian lens. If you like the book, a review on Amazon is also a big support.
From my website – https://www.brettullman.com/product/parenting-navigating-everything/
From Amazon Canada – https://amzn.to/2ZRKZGf
From Amazon US – https://amzn.to/3cbqoSg - If you are able to make a donation (tax receipted) towards the work that I do it would be a real help. You can make donations from CanadaHelps (click here) or you can mail a cheque made out to Worlds Apart to 68 Ashbury Blvd, Ajax, Ontario, L1Z1M8.
For the fall, I am working on a new talk called Men: Navigating Everything. I am also putting my talks Parenting: Navigating Everything and my media.faith.culture talk into online courses. I will continue to do weekly youtube resources answering questions parents ask as well.
I hope to see many of you at a speaking date in your area sometime soon. Thanks for your prayers, messages, and support in this tough season.