the Sex Talk: A Christian Worldview of Sexuality | Parenting Tips
This is my full presentation on how we can help our kids get a Christian Sexual Ethic or a Christian Worldview of Healthy Sexuality. This “Sex Talk” or as it used to be called “the birds and the bees” is something that we all must do as parents. Christian parenting in this area adds another layer as we come from a very different worldview than mainstream society. We do need to have better education around this topic of sex in our homes, than our churches, and then in our schools.
Everyone likes to feel comfortable. In fact, we pad our lives with comforts of all kinds and those things that make life uncomfortable for us we push as far from us as possible. If you’re like most people, you quietly withdrew as you read the title of this piece (the.sex.talk) in Christian context.
The Why: One scary statistic says that 70-80% of Christian Young Adults have had sex before they get married. We need to completely rethink how we engage students in this conversation as parents, youth leaders and as members of the greater Christian community. What a difficult time to grow up as a teenager; so many questions and so few people willing to answer them. As Christian adults, we cannot continue to be silent on these issues of sexuality.
The How: This talk helps equip and empower parents as to how to help their kids get a Biblical worldview of healthy sexuality. The.Sex.Talk is an unapologetic, straight-forward talk on the nature of sex in this era of modern, overly-sexualized culture. Addressing such issues as Christian faith, STI’s, pregnancy, pornography, sexting, singleness and grace, Brett Ullman tackles the often awkward and uncomfortable topic of sex in a direct, Biblical fashion linking current topics and trends with Biblical examples and principles.
The Goal: This project attempts to create and promote a culture where Christian parents and their teenagers are equipped and empowered to have this conversation resulting in better, healthier choices in the area of sex for their teenagers.
Our media-saturated culture consistently floods our minds with inaccurate, often twisted truths about the true nature of sex. As fellow journeyers, let’s ask the tough questions together as we look to connect our ancient faith with our modern world.
This is my full presentation called the sex talk. If you want to show this to your church, youth group, camp etc you can buy a digital download from the Vimeo link – https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thesextalk
If this talk helped you or someone in your family and you would like to make a small donation to the Charity (Worlds Apart) you can do so from this link – https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/15850
Thanks for any support.