dk Leadership: Dream it. Do it.

On my blog, I want to help parents with some of the best resources I know. I have weekly conversations with parents who mention that they are struggling with communication issues with their teenagers. I would highly encourage all parents to go to Dr. Karyn’s website. Go into her resources section and purchase her book (The Teen Years) and most importantly the Analyze your Teen digital download set. This is one of the best resources I have seen on this. Look at what is in these 4 modules:
Module #1: Self-Esteem
Learn how you can build your child / teen’s confidenceModule #2: Communicating Effectively
Learn how to communicate effectively so that they listen to youModule #3: Managing Emotions
Learn how to deal with emotions (stress, anxiety, depression)Module #4: Teaching Responsibility
Learn why and how to set boundaries and teach responsibility
She also has great speaking events that I will be sending my own children in the upcoming years.
Click here for her website.