Sex & pornography

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Social Media Dangers Exposed by Mom Posing as 11-Year-Old

Social Media Dangers Exposed by Mom Posing as 11-Year-Old

This is a short 10 min video that I would encourage everyone to watch. We must make sure we are engaging our tweens and teens in conversations on topics of online safety, sex, pornography, and sex trafficking. A 37-year old mom goes undercover as an 11-year old girl...

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Matt Chandler – The Rose

Matt Chandler – The Rose

Love this youtube clip from Matt Chandler. Enjoy! This is a video that goes through the lyrics. If you want the actual video of Matt just speaking you can click here.

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Why pornography is so harmful for children

Why pornography is so harmful for children

Tough article to read but a really important one. Pornography can be insidious and is always destructive. It is an ever-growing monster of an industry. Here are just a few startling statistics:  According to PornHub, the word “teen” has topped the...

read more the questions (full presentation) the questions (full presentation)

In this new update of my original dating for life talk (Original talk can be found here) I have gone back to the basics. In this new talk, I answer 8 basic foundational questions on dating: 1. What is dating? 2. When should I start dating? 3. Am I ready to start...

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My top 11 books on Pornography | Brett’s picks

My top 11 books on Pornography | Brett’s picks

Pornography is something that we need to deal with both as parents and also just as individuals. This video contains my top 11 books that will help you address this topic. My favourite books on the topic of pornography: 1. Sexual Detox: A Guide for Guys Who Are Sick...

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Sheila Wray Gregoire | Brett’s Picks

Sheila Wray Gregoire | Brett’s Picks

Today I want to showcase a really great resource. One of the best resources I have seen on the topic of sex is Sheila Wray Gregoire. She blogs daily on topics like marriage, sex, family, and faith. Her website is I would also encourage...

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