The Porn Project- Take Home

The Porn Project- Take Home

Short List: The Porn Project

“Sin and the child of God are incompatible. They may occasionally meet; they cannot live together in harmony.” John Stott


There are so many books on this topic. These are the ones I suggest. I would read through each of these over the next few years. 

  1. Cutting it off (J.S. Park) – Click here for link
  2. Sexual Detox: A Guide for Guys Who Are Sick of Porn (Tim Challies) – Click herefor link
  3. How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain (William M. Struthers) – Click Here for link
  4. Pure Eyes: A Man’s Guide to Sexual Integrity (Craig Gross & Steven Luff) – Click Here for link
  5. Clean: A Proven Guide for Men Committed to Sexual Integrity (Douglas Weiss) – Click Here for link
  6. Your Brain On Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emergin Science of Addiction (Gary Wilson & Anthony Jack) – Click Here for link
  7. Think before you look: 40 Powerful Reasons to Avoid Pornography (Daniel Henderson) –Click Here for link.
  8. Treating Pornography Addiction: The Essential Tools for Recovery (Kevin B Skinner) –Click Here for link

YouTube Feed 

I have created a playlist of over 60 videos on pornography. I would watch a few each week as you work through recovery.

Click here for playlist on youtube

Below are the categories I speak about in my talk. Each section follows the headings of my presentation. So many of the resources fall into multiple categories. I picked the one I thought best fits the resource.  


Challenge your Beliefs (this is a broad catrgory of resources. Many of these resources include information on all of the headings below. To me these will help challenge your beliefs about pornography)

  1. Movie – The Heart of the Matter
  2. I am Second – Nate Larkin –
  3. I am Second – Ryan Ries –
  4. Growing up in a pornified Culture – Gail Dines – (language)
  5. Russell Brand –
  6. Jesus Stories: Liz Vogt –
  7. Getting Unstuck from Sexual Sin, Part 1 (James McDonald) –
  8. Getting Unstuck from Sexual Sin, Part 2 (James McDonald) –
  9. Pornolescence (Tim Challies) –Click Her


  1. – stats
  2. Covenanteyes 250 Facts and Stats about Pornography –Click Here



  1. Judges 16
  2. Genesis 29
  3. 2 Samuel 11


  1. Acts 3:19
  2. 2 Corinthians 7:10
  3. Romans 2:5
  4. Psalms 51:10
  5. 2 Timothy 2:22
  6. Romans 12:2
  7. 1 Corinthians 6:18
  8. Colossians 3:5
  9. Job 31:1
  10. James 1:15

Theology Links

  1. The Battle in Your Mind to Abstain from Sexual Sin (Tim Conway) – Click Here
  2. The Bondage Breaker (Neil Anderson) – Link
  3. 3 Crucial Questions about Spiritual Warfare (Clinton Arnold) – Link
  4. Principles for Personal Change: Strongholds (Rick Warren) –click here

Spiritual Disciplines

  1. Preayer and Meditation
  2. Bible Study
  3. Fasting
  4. Solitutude and Silence
  5. Sabbath
  6. Simple and Sacrificial Living (money)
  7. Service to Others
  8. Communion
  9. Evangelism
  10. Community
  11. Musical Worship



  1. Your Brain on Porn: Learn the 5 ways porn warps your brain and Biblical ways to renew it.  –Covenant Eyes
  2. The Porn Circuit: Understand your brain and break porn habits in 90 days. –Covenant Eyes
  3. Website –


Coming Clean: Overcoming Lust Through Biblical Accountability (Free eBook) – Covenant Eyes

Accountability Software

  5. X3 Pure Courses – Courses for Men, Women, Parents and Couples –Click Here


  1. The Battle Plan: A Five Step Approach to Removing Pornography From Your Life (Free eBook) –Matt Fradd


  1. 12 Questions to Ask before you Watch Game of Thrones (John Piper) – Click Here

Beyond You


  1. Stop the Demand: The Role of Porn in Sex Trafficking (Free eBook) –Covenant Eyes
  2. A Few Thoughts on Women, Men, Porn, & Sexual Assault (Jefferson Bethke) –Click Here
  3. This Summer, How Can We Stop Objectifying Women? (Sarah Dubbeldam) –Click Here
  4. Porn and Technology (Jeffrey Bethke) –Click Here
  5. Growing Up in a Pornified Culture (Gail Dines) –Click Here ** non faith based. 
  6. When Your Child is Looking at Porn: A Step-By-Step Guide for Christian Parents –Covenant Eyes


“How many times does a man’s wife need to catch him viewing pornography before it strikes a mortal wound to his marriage? How will he measure the damage if one of his children catches him playing with himself in front of a computer screen? How many porno cookies on your work computer will need to accumulate before your job and livelihood are in serious jeopardy? – Think Before You Look – Daniel Henderson

  1. Porn and Your Husband: A Recovery Guide for Wives – Covenant Eyes
  2. Hope After Porn: 4 women share their heartache…and how their marriages were saved – Covenant Eyes


  1. When Your Child is Looking at Porn: A Step-By-Step Guide for Christian Parents – Covenant Eyes
  2. Protecting Your Family Online: A How-To Guide for Parents: Learn the steps you need to take to keep your kids safe online –Covenant Eyes

Dating Relationships

  1. Growing up Fast: Why 12-year-old girls are having sex rougher, earlier – Click Her

About The Author

Brett Ullman

Brett Ullman travels North America speaking to teens, young adults, leaders, and parents on topics including parenting, mental health, sexuality, pornography, men, dating and media. Brett's seminars engage and challenge attendees to try and connect our ancient faith with our modern culture we live in. Participants are inspired to reflect on what we know, what we believe and how our faith ought to serve as the lens through which we view and engage tough conversations in our society today.

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